Soumission des articles


Le comité d’organisation de la Conférence Internationale sur le Plasma et les Matériaux pour l'Energie ICPEM2019, a le plaisir de vous informer que la date limite de soumission des articles  a été repoussée au 25  Mars 2019.

Les articles seront publiés (après expertise par un comité de lecture)  en proceeding dans un numéro spécial dans le journal :

Les articles doivent parvenir par voie électronique en document attaché Word 2010 à l’adresse suivante :

Le nom du fichier doit être composé du nom de l’auteur participant à la conférence, suivi du thème (Exemple : nom_theme1.doc)

Instructions de rédaction des articles :

Les articles doivent être rédigés en anglais  et ne doivent pas dépasser 10 pages.

Tous les articles doivent être conformes au template de Materials Today: Proceeding, que vous trouverez dans le lien suivant:


Registration and Payment Methods



  • The payment of registration fees is now open by bank transfer,
  • The participation fee covers: registration, coffee-breaks, lunchs and proceedings,
  • A copy of the payment receipt must be sent to the following email address:    Email:
  • Students must send, in addition to the payment receipt, a copy of the student card to the email address:
  • For more onformation, please visit the following link:




The deadline for abstract submission has been extended from October 22, 2018 to November 19, 2018.

Due to many requests for an extension of the deadline, the ICPEM2019 organizing committee has agreed to extend the deadline for submission. You are welcome to submit your abstract by following the links available from


The aim of ICPEM2019, which will be held in Agadir, Morocco, from 21 to 22 February 2019, is to provide a platform for researchers and scientists from all over the world to share their works and to exchange ideas on recent developments in plasma and energy. The conference will focus on several topics including plasmas and applications, materials for energy harvesting. The ICPEM is addressed to physicists, chemists and biologists engaged in fundamental and applied research devoted to the above mentioned topics. All interested participants are kindly invited to communicate the latest results of their scientific work in one of the ICPEM subject areas.

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