
Dr. Ahmed Ennaoui             

        Dr. Ahmed Ennaoui

President of the Scientific Council, Institut de Recherche en Energie Solaire et Energies Nouvelles (IRESEN), Rabat, Morocco.

Former head and project leader at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin Berlin, Germany

Former joint Professor at Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU) and Research Director of Solar Energy group at Qatar Environmental and Energy Research Institute (QEERI), Qatar Foundation, Doha, Qatar

Prof. Ahmed Ennaoui studied physics and chemistry and obtained his master and doctoral degree in solid-state electronics from the University of Bourgogne, France.  He moved to Germany and conducted research for his habilitation (1983-1987) with Prof. Helmut Tributsch at the Hahn Meitner Institute (HMI), Berlin, Germany. He obtained his habilitation (summa cum laude) for his research on novel earth-abundant and non-toxic materials (Iron Disulfide, Pyrite) for solar energy conversion, and served as Professor of physics at the University Mohamed V. He moved back again to Germany and worked as senior scientist at the HMI, while maintaining strong contact with Moroccan universities.  He was appointed head of a research group at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) “the former HMI” and explored in his group novel alternative materials for solar energy conversion. He received different grant projects financed by the European commission, by the German Federal Ministry of Education and conducted successful feasibility studies funded by the industry (Siemens/Shell-Solar/Avancis, Solibro, Bosch, Atotech). All his projects are targeting thin Film solar cells and new concept, from planar films to nanostructures. He served as member of Qatar Foundation (2015-2017) with a position of joint Professor at Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU) and as Research Director of Solar Energy group at Qatar Environmental and Energy Research Institute (QEERI). At QEERI he was conducting research, managing research groups, recruiting top talents. He established track record, building partnerships with industry and academia at QEERI/HBKU during the period from January 2015 to May 2017 and the management of scientists at QEERI ‘s solar test facilities (STF with: ~200 kW). He contributed to the development of PV soiling solution, improving O&M of the infrastructure at the STF. He proposed also a project with relevant low CAPEX manufacturing Thin Film PV technology to reduce the cost per watt peak of solar modules through building of a base line for inkjet printing as a precision deposition technology for flexible PV and for BIPV. He designed syllabus for HBKU and taught several seminar on Solar Photovoltaic Technology for graduate students. Actually Prof. Ahmed Ennaoui serves as president of the Scientific Council of IRESEN, the Moroccan Solar Energy Research Institute, deeply engaged at for the establishment of mechanisms to support and reinforce R&D on renewable energy. Ahmed Ennaoui has deep expertise in processing materials and devices for solar energy conversion and thin film chalcogenide solar cells. He is author and co-author of more than 250 peer-reviewed journal articles, numerous conference contributions, five special issues and granted several patents, his published work on pyrite FeS2, 2D layered materials, kesterite, cadmium free CIGSS solar cells, DSSC solar cells has being recognized with h-index 41. He is permanent member of the Editorial Board of Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, reviewer for several top scientific journals, member of International Solar Energy Society (ISES), member of IEEE and chair of the scientific-technical committee for the International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC). During his career, he supervised more than 40 completed thesis and ca. 20 Postdoctoral have worked in his group at HZB and QEERI together.



 Dr. Jean-Marc Grenèche

Institut des Molécules et Matériaux du Mans, Le Mans – France

 Currently CNRS Research Director at the Institut des Molécules et Matériaux du Mans, IMMM UMR CNRS 6087, he got his PhD in 1987 devoted to the Structural and Magnetic Modeling of fluoride glasses after spending 18 months in Peru as national service volonteer. He was a A von Humboldt Fellow in Karlsruhe (Germany) 1988-1989 and several time Invited Professor (Brazil, Spain, ...). His main scientific activities are focused on magnetic materials such as intermetallics and alloys, amorphous metallic alloys and amorphous and crystalline fluorides, and nanomagnetism in nanocrystalline alloys, magnetic (functionalized) nanoparticles, nanostructured milled and alloyed powders,. He is also involved in mesoporous structures, mineralogy and physical biogeochemistry . His main experimental technique is 57Fe Mössbauer spectrometry with temperature and magnetic field facilities at Le Mans. He developped numerous international collaborations.


Pr. Yvan Labaye

 Institut des Molécules et Matériaux du Mans, Le Mans – France

  • Maître de conférences en physique de la matière à l’université du Mans depuis 1994 affecté à l’Institut des Molécules et Matériaux du Mans (UMR 6283) dans le groupe Nano-Matériaux Magnétiques
  • Domaine de recherche:  structure et propriétés magnétiques de nanomatériaux, effets de surfaces et d’interfaces
  • Simulation numérique Monte-Carlo, de dynamique moléculaire et calculs ab-initio, parallèlisation de codes, Calculs Haute performance.

Liste des publications : google-scholar (Yvan Labaye)                                      


Pr. Olivier Eichwald

Laboratoire Plasma et Conversion d’Energie, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse 3, Toulouse – France

Professeur à l’Université de Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier

Directeur Délégué du Laboratoire Plasmas et Conversion d’Energie (LAPLACE)

Porteur de l’activité dépollution par plasmas-froids au sein de l’équipe Plasmas Réactifs Hors Equilibre (PRHE) du LAPLACE

-        Parcours de formation en Physique Fondamentale et Physique et Ingénierie des Plasmas Froids

-        Domaines d’Expertises : Physique des Plasmas Froids / Simulations et Méthodes Numériques / Transport et cinétique dans les mélanges complexes / Applications environnementales, Plasmas en interaction avec le vivant, Critères de claquage.

-        ~ 140 publications (revues, conférences, chapitres de livre, brevets)

-        Directeurs et co-directeur de 13 thèses

-        Porteur et co-porteur de 5 projets de recherches (nationaux, régionaux et de partenariats industriels).


Pr. Nofel Merbahi

Laboratoire Plasma et Conversion d’Energie, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse 3, Toulouse – France


Nofel Merbahi received the Ph. D degree in electrical Engineering field in 2004 at University Toulouse III Paul Sabatier (UPS) of Toulouse, France. From 2005 to 2012 he worked as an assistant professor at UPS. Since 2012, He holds a Professor position at UPS at LAPLACE in “Non equilibrium reactive plasmas” team (http://www.laplace.univ-tlse.fr/groupes-de-recherche/plasmas-reactifs-hors-equilibre/). His research interests are the physics of plasmas, biomedical and industrial applications of nonthermal atmospheric-pressure plasmas. He is an expert on the development and optimization of low temperature plasma sources for use in biomedical and plasma medicine. He has authored or coauthored more than 60 full articles in peer reviewed journals, 3 patents in the field of plasmas and applications, 3 book chapter and more than 70 contributions at international conferences.

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